Legal notice

Website address


Website editor

Headquarter: 13 Rue Marc Seguin - ZI Sud / F41100 VENDÔME - France
Phone: 0033 2 54 23 14 54
email: info@ecofit.com

RC BLOIS B 308 172 147 000 32

S.A. with capital of 1 541 680 €
Intracommunity VAT N°: FR44 308 172 147

Ratio man woman : 72/100

Responsible for publication

Marc Sitarz

Website hosting

Website hosted by AXN Informatique


Website created and realised AXN Informatique

Reproduction rights

Each partial or full reproduction of this website or its content (general structure, texts, sounds, logos, images, animated or not), in any process, without prior express authorization from ROSENBERG VENDOME SAS is forbidden and would constitute an infringement punishable by the law of intellectual property.

Links and references

This web site contains hypertext links to other websites and references to other sources of information.Those links and sources of information are provided on an indicative basis only. ROSENBERG VENDOME SAS accepts no responsability for damages which could result fom the consultation of present information on other web sites or in other sources of information in general, and to which this website makes reference. 

Processing of personal data

In the context of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), we inform you that the data collected on the formulars available on this website are registered in an ROSENBERG VENDOME SAS computerised file to manage the communication about our company ROSENBERG VENDOME SAS and its two fans brands ECOFIT and ETRI. This information will be kept two years.

In accordance with the law on Computing and Freedom (French law n°78-17 (January 6, 1978) relating to data files and Freedoms and the European directive n°95/46/CE dated October 24th 1995 of European parliament and Council relating to physical persons protection regarding treatment of personal data and free circulation of this data), you have the right to access and correct the data by writing to marketing@ecofit.com


To contact ROSENBERG VENDOME SAS, please use the formular on the website.